Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Behaviours and Attitudes of Shoppers regarding Kellogs Products and Se Research Proposal

Essays on Behaviours and Attitudes of Shoppers regarding Kellogs Products and Services Research Proposal The paper â€Å"Behaviours and Attitudes of Shoppers regarding Kellogs Products and Services† is a  forceful version of the research proposal on marketing. Qualitative research technique is chosen to measure shopper’s attitudes, behaviours, of Kellogs cereal and snack products. The techniques were chosen because it attempts to gain a clear understanding of any existences of opinions, it assesses them broadly so as to assess their depths and breaths of attitudes. The researcher will need to demonstrate how the research will be carried out that will outline the dominant feelings of shoppers buying patterns. Human behaviours are best explained using qualitative research, this is because human phenomena’s that cannot be investigated by direct observations such as attitudes and other emotions are best studied using qualitative methods. The need to assess shopper’s attitudes and behaviours of Kellogs products is important as they will be able to use the result s to evaluate their marketing strategy to come up with a marketing plan (Burns, 2000 pp. 343).Another reason why the technique was chosen for the study is that it emphasizes understanding rather making measurements to the respective attitudes and behaviours. The qualitative method mainly focuses on the use of words, images, narratives and concepts. The quantitative research is a concern with numbers and statistics and concern itself with providing information. Another factor that makes the qualitative approach more advantageous to quantitative approach is that Kellogs is that the researcher will be able to start to make analysis during data collection process this is compared to quantitative techniques where analysis begins after the data collection process. Through qualitative techniques, Kellogs will be able to get attitudes and behaviours of a different class of shoppers. Qualitative method will focus on positivism paradigm this will enable the researcher to establish facts or ca uses of shoppers behaviours and attitudes. Opinions from the data findings will provide the necessary feedback to assess views of shoppers regarding Kellogs products performances in the markets. Because of the unstructured nature of qualitative techniques does have guidelines which will be used to explore research questions, this will act as a topic guide (Research development foundation, 1999 pp200). The checklists will include background information’s questions and the varieties of products of the company.Research methodsTo be able to understand the behaviours and attitudes of shoppers regarding Kellogs products and services via qualitative research, depth interviews and direct observations will be administered to a number of shoppers in a number of stores, supermarkets. The segments will involve teenagers and children who are accustomed to snacks, the next segment involves parents, households and individuals who are in use of cereals. The use of structured interviews will create one to one conversations that will aim of the research but is largely dictated by all kind of situations. The interviews can produce sensitive issues and respondents can answer in their own time in their own way.The use of questions gives the interviewer to get more information’s by using probing questions about the nature of the products; it also enables the interview to get information through interaction and genuine conversations. The interviewer does yield higher response rates mainly because it is different for the subjects to completely refuse to answer questions or to ignore the interviewer. It is also the best method that is flexible because it will enable the interviewer to adopt any kind of situations which will help the respondent to give relevant responses. The study will also use direct observation a technique that describes behaviours in a natural setting and is made possible by the use of participant observations, where the research will be part of the p articipants' understudy. This will be carried out with some of the children and teenagers who will be offered the snacks, during such interactions observations will then be made. The research will also take a systematic procedure for identifying information’s and how the data will be gathered this will be on the basis of a field diary, where the researcher will draw a stimuli from the chosen environment, which will be supported by the use of sound recordings and photographs (Bryman Bell, 2003 pp.14).

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